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Converter "AnyToJpeg" allows you to convert any image to jpeg-format and edit it by means of such function as rotating, stretch, crop, border, etc. It is easy to use and does not require any special skills.
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AnyZip is a Windows archiver program for compression and decompress. With it you can create and extract archive with maximum convenience and efficiency.
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.JPG to .PDF converter is most profecient tool design for converting images, pictures, drawing, photographs, still, scans, faxes, graphics to PDF document. Photo to PDF converter has multiple features to set PDF by page size, page margin, image size.
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Add image to PDF program is professional utility which easily convert multiple numbers of images into PDF file formats easily. Change JPG to PDF, JPE to PDF, JPEG to PDF, EMF to Adobe. Batch image to PDF converter software works without Adobe Reader.
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Add watermark on PDF software set font size, font style and font color. User can specify location of stamp on Adobe pages like first page, last page, custom pages. You can modify image size such as fit on page or custom pages in set width and height.
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Add watermark to PDF file support several features related with adding watermark symbol. Application allow to work with several symbol like text, image, web URL, logo, date, time, page number, stamp, copyright icon etc. You can change font & color
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Adding watermark on PDF tool create text stamp on above below or replace content of PDFs and it is able to stamping on the PDF files using your text, images, graphics, drafts and more. Make PDF stamp utility can set watermarking position, font style.
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Adobe PDF password remover can decrypt adobe acrobat PDF file and remove restriction such as printing, copying, modifying, form filling, document comment, annotation, page extraction and document assemble. You can decrypt user and owner password.
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Append PDF files software support simple graphical interface with standard options. Program build up with several usual options like split, merge, delete, extract PDF pages into several manner like specific page range, specific pages & odd/even pages
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Batch PDF splitter software can save precious time by batch mode operation to split merge file. Tool provide various feature such as split PDFs, merge multiple PDF file, combine 2 into 1, divide large document, extract pages, remove blank pages, etc.
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BMP image to PDF software converts Windows bitmap pictures snapshot in to adobe PDF file. Bitmap2PDF translator application has provides best platform to convert batch of BMP images into PDF document and conversion process is very simple.
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BMP to PDF conversion software can combine, add, join, merge, insert and turn multiple images to single PDF file. User can set or choose paper size such as A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, RA0, RA1, etc. You can directly convert scan paper to Adobe PDF file.
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Break PDF into smaller files software merge, split, delete PDF pages from list of PDF document by specific pages, page range and odd/even page. PDF joiner tool split large PDF document into several small PDF file for making your PDF file easy to use.
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Change .TIFF to .PDF software is most effective tool which convert multi-image, multi-frames, multi-pages TIFF file to PDF. Software has option to convert TIFF file and make one PDF, make PDF with individual PDF and make PDF with individual frames.
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Change page size in PDF software having options to resize PDF page into portrait and landscape. Application offer you to select number of paper size like A0, A1 A2, B0, B1, quarto, letter, legal and more. You can change PDF page into several manners
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Change PDF from A4 to A5 tool allow to resize, modify & change your PDF files page sizes as per your requirement through predefined paper sizes or custom page sizes. Application support several page size setting like paper size, page orientation etc
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Changing .TIFF to .PDF application converts all TIF formats files to PDF document without creating any error. Picture to PDF conversion utility has function to organize PDF document before creating such as set page size, page margin, image size etc.
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Combine 2 PDF documents program extract unlimited numbers of PDF pages from files then arrange PDF files according to page numbers. PDF page cutter tool may delete blank pages from Adobe PDF. PDF utility has options of splitting and merging features.
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Combine 2 PDFs one document provide solution for those user which use PDF document and face many problem related to PDF file. PDF tool perform all task such as splitting large PDF, merge PDF, extracting page from PDF, bookmark PDF, watermark PDF etc.
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Combine password protected PDF application divide bulk size documents into smaller files using different splitting parameters such as odd even pages, page numbers. Manage multiple files using arrange parameter and make PDF more attractive and useful.