Shop-Script is a PHP based online shopping cart software with a template structure that gives an ability to redesign its look & feel within any html-editor without reprogramming. Shop-Script supports credit card processing through and 2checkout payment gateways; has multi lingual interface; is multi database compatible (MySQL, MS SQL Server, InterBase); can auto generate META-tags and has many more useful features:
- Basic and advanced search
- Unlimited depth of category tree
- Product status, e.g., "In stock"
- Unlimited count of extra product options
- Shipping cost calculation system
- Customizable payment system
- Customers' ratings of products
- Step-by-step ordering system
- Customer authorization
- Customers' ability to change personal information
- Customers' shopping history
- Item description with three pictures of the item
- Category description and logo
- Two auxiliary information pages that can be edited in the administrator mode
- Brief price-list
- Special offers
- Recommended shopping sets (suggests related items)
- Ability to list price markdowns: list price (listed MSRP) and your price
- Customer Product Reviews
- Multi-currency system that can be set by customer
- Latest shop news
- Customer survey on the Main Page
- Three free templates included with the software
- Administrative tools:
Management of new orders
Sales statistics
Statistics of customer??™s ratings of products
Management of category tree (create, delete, move, etc.).
System settings (tax, shop information, appearance, currencies, etc.).
Customer documentation and records
Import database content from Excel file
Edit information pages and news
Export customers database to Excel file
Notification of ???out-of-stock??? productss
Synchronizing tools (synchronize database content between several shops).
System requirements: PHP 4.0.4, SQL database engine (e.g. MySQL, MS SQL Server, InterBase).