Shreds and Cleans cache, cookies, history, typed URLs, autocomplete memory, index.dat from your browser & temp folder, run history, search history, open/save history, recent documents, & more. Works with browsers AOL, IE, MSN Explorer, Opera, Juno & Netscape. TZ Windows Cleaner is a powerfull set of tools to maintain & increase performance of your computer system. Clear all unusefull files-folders in your computer, registry, permenantly erase files & folders and temporary intenet files. Includes a shredder utility - When you delete a file from windows(even if shift+Delete is used) windows only marked the file as un used space(free space) that can be used in the future, so now your hard drive is not secure that any body can recover those files with any recover tool like (Recover4All). Shredder permenantly erases a file or folder. Space Maker to free up your hard disk space, Remove Duplicate files, registry cleaner to delete leftover un-install registry entries and clutter.