KasperskyŽ Anti-Virus Personal Pro is a unique set of anti-virus and security components, some of which were previously available only for corporate clients. Now all these anti-virus tools, offering a comprehensive level of security, are available for home use. A control center unites the components that allow users to defeat the vast majority of system threats. KasperskyŽ Anti-Virus Personal Pro comes with, free of charge, one year of anti-virus upgrades and 24 hour technical support.
The optimized architecture of KasperskyŽ Anti-Virus Scanner and KasperskyŽ Anti-Virus Monitor releases additional RAM allowing user applications to accelerate their performance.
Intuitive interface
Improved setup utility allows you to keep user settings in KasperskyŽ Anti-Virus Control Center and/or KasperskyŽ Anti-Virus Updater running on your computer.
Improved KasperskyŽ Anti-Virus Scanner command line.
Monitor - background virus-interceptor for Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/ME operating systems.
Features insuring retention of recoverable data with the programs preset to delete infected objects.
Ability to delete malicious code after the operating system attempts to run it.
Checks for viruses in the memory of running programs.
Updating of program modules.
Quarantine, an easy-to-use tool that isolates infected files that can be later restored. In combination with the removal of infected objects this tool provides full-scale protection against viruses while ensuring the retention of recoverable data.
Automatically restores the file system with the rescue disk set.
Removes viruses from ZIP archives