NC Import for Rhino is a plug-in for Rhino. This plug-in gives Rhino the ability to import commands from NC files.
CNC Machines worldwide use Numeric Control files (.nc or .ncc) to convert programmed instructions to tool movement. NC programs consist of a sequence of codes with parameter data to arrive at a precise description of the toolpath. But the best of NC programmers also can make mistakes. NC Import for Rhino lets you import NC files into Rhino so that you can view the intended toolpath in 3D.
NC Import for Rhino is very easy to use as it adds a new file type to the Rhino File Open dialog box. To import a NC file select Open from the File menu. Select "Numeric Control Files (*.nc,*.ncc)" from the "File of type" combo box and select a NC file to import. A new drawing will be created containing the imported NC file.