EJB Suite offering general Interest derivatives pricing framework: set contract and vol/price/interest models and run MC. Allows the pricing and risk analytics of interest rate cash and derivative products. We also cover the fundamental theory of bonds including: Treasury bonds, Yield/Pricing, Zero Curve, Forward rates/FRAs, Duration and Convexity. We also cover the topics of Fixed-Interest bonds.
This product also contains the following features:
GUI Bundle - we bundle a suite of graphical user interface JavaBean components (with 1, 2, 4 or site-wide license) allowing the developer to plug-in a wide range of GUI functionality (including charts/graphs) into their client applications
EAR Files - we provide individual customized EAR files for the most widely used application servers including IBM WebSphere 4.0/5.0, BEA WebLogic 6.1/7.0, Oracle 9iAS, Sun ONE AppServer 7, Ironflare Orion 1.5.2/1.6.0, Borland AppServer 5.0, Sybase EAServer 3.6 and JBoss 2.4.4/3.0.0
Self-Deploy - the relevant servers EAR file will be self-deployed onto supported local application servers during the installation of the self-install package. The supported application servers include IBM WebSphere 4.0/5.0, BEA WebLogic 6.1/7.0, Oracle 9iAS, Borland AppServer 5.0, Ironflare Orion 1.5.2/1.6.0 and JBoss 2.4.4/3.0.0