This dictionary has a word database of 400.000 entries and allows instant word translation and reverse translation.
* You can see all the words in the dictionary on the Main List.
* You can see all possible translations of the selected word in the Translations' List. You can get the reverse translation by clicking on the word in this list.
* To find a word in the dictionary, just start typing it in the Input Line. A word beginning with the input letters will appear on the screen.
* You can change the direction of translation by pressing the button with blue and white arrows at the bottom of the screen (to the right of the "Tools" button).
* For quick translation, copy the word to the clipboard and click on the Language Teacher icon in the Start menu.
* You can create your own filtered list with the words from the main dictionary.
* The program includes a built-in multilanguage support.
Our programs work on MIPS, ARM/StrongARM or SH3 CPU-based devices. Before you buy, please download free demo version to check whether the program works on your Pocket PC.