Do you still sort files' streams with Batch files? Ordinary users use Batch files for file sorting process
automation. But constant network fails and impossibility to delete captured files are resulting in Batch files
work errors.
If you have to work up and sort lots of reports from branches and distant sub-units, Universal File Utility could help to put this process in order. Full 100% process automation without time lost.
Make you work more effective!
Do your employees still sort branches' reports manually?
Get rid of routine operations! Universal File Utility will help you to save your employees' time spent on routine and to save your money as well.
Universal File Utility is a professional program product that allows making file operations more simple and handy and automating of recurring processes.
Universal File Utility work principle is "to tune and to forget".
It is enough to point operation type, processing catalogues, files mask, frequency of file scanning starts.
UFU supports operations of the following types:
- file copy;
- file transfer;
- files' daily archiving (in the next version);
- file email (in the next version).
Update to the new version of UFU is free.