The program TRANSDAT executes coordinate transformations with and without changing the geodetic reference system (datum shift) in high quality and with heigh performance. With the program TRANSDAT theese world wide coordinate transformations and Reference System transformations are available: 1. The current and many historical Coordinate and Reference Systems of all States of the European Union (EU) including the eastern extension from April 2004 and other European Systems. 2. The US- and Canadian State Plane- and other Coordinate and Reference Systems of the North American Continent. 3. The Coordinate and Reference Systems of the Australian Continent. 4. A lot of Coordinate and Reference Systems of other Continents. 5. All world-wide used Coordinate and Reference Systems. Apart from the given world-wide and state-specific systems also your own coordinate systems and geodetic reference systems can be defined with Helmert or Molodenski (Bursa / Wolf) parameters. You find a complete list of the coordinate and reference systems supported by the program after downloading the temporally limited test version from the adress in the file "readme.doc" or directly at the adress The program is appropriate for the keyboard input of coordinates and for the treatment of coordinate files in the Text, dBase, ArcShape and ArcGenerate format (with Shape Viewer). All actions are stored in a log file. Self installing Network ability, usage as DLL in own applications and batch processing is possible. A programmable GPS interface receives satellite coordinates for subsequent treatment in the program. English and German language program design and handbook.