Html To Image Wizard help you capture the whole web page's content(including Flash) into PNG, JPG, BMP, TIFF or GIF on the fly, and not only the HTML files, but also the plain text files, the Web Archive Format (*.MHT) files and the Internet ShortCuts can be converted to image in batches.
Html To Image Wizard can be seamlessly integrated with your Internet Explorer to help you convert html to image instantly while you are surfing. Just easily clicking the "Convert To Image" item from the context menu of IE, and then specify an output file, then DONE!
Features List:
Directly save the webpage at a given URL into image in bmp, jpeg, tiff, gif or png format;
Integrate with Internet Explorer's context menu;
Batch conversion is supported;
Support command line arguments;
Support Converting local HTML, MHT, TXT files to image;
Support capturing Flash;
Web pages don't need to be displayed for capturing, run at background.