If you are a serious online marketer, you know the importance of a powerful sales page. You have learned from bitter experiences that the first impression made by the product page becomes the last impression in the minds of your buyers.
You also know that these sales pages are your sales agents on the net. They have to attract, inform and convince your users to purchase your products or services.
Needless to say, not only is the look and feel of your site important, the nature and flow of the content of your pages is also important. Doing that right every time is a big challenge and that is why you need a Page Gorilla.
Page Gorilla makes it very easy for you to prepare a professional business or sales page in minutes.
All you have to do is answer couple of questions, select a template and click publish.
Page Gorilla is a freeware Sales Page Generation wizard software. It makes creating super selling sales page a matter of minutes. You answer some questions and your sales page is ready. It has inbuilt features like WYSIWYG wizard, FTP client etc.