A professional hex editor for manipulating binary files, disk drives, and system processes. Key features are:
1.View, search, and edit any file of any size easily and quickly. Import/export C, HTML and formatted text. Convert hex to dec or dec to hex.
2.Find in disk/drive and process. Find and repair problems with disk drives and processes.
3.Map a document to a hierarchical list of variables that could be understood and edited in a much easier fashion.
4.Analyze and edit files with powerful tools, such as: Find, Replace, Find in Files/Processes, Compare Files, Bookmark, etc.
5.Present and interpret data according to the most essential conditions.
6.Convere large integer between bases 2 through 36. Generate checksum and hash-value on file or selection.
7.More features: Drives plug-play; WYSIWYG effect output; HTML online help.