Promo Screen Calendar software for creating an active calendar with your company's logo, info and images as desktop wallpapers of your clients. It can be a power marketing tool for promotion of your company.
Beginning with the version 2.0, you can set changing the desktop photos automatically on a monthly basis (like a normal paper calendar), so you can send out to all your clients the desktop calendar together with 12 different product images, one for each month.
So, with Promo Screen Calendar you will be able to make a Setup File of the full-functional software with the name: Screen Calendar from where is the name of your company or brand.
Made by Promo Screen Calendar software, Screen Calendar for your clients really allows you to put the calendar with your logo and background images on your clients' desktops. Also, Screen Calendar is a full-functional PIM for your client: double-click the calendar to schedule a business day; to read the notes fully, just move the mouse over the date cell. So, this PIM is always at hand (it runs in system tray), but it does not require much space.