Remote Desktop Professional is a remote desktop management solution for professionals, education and business in a wired and wireless Microsoft network. It reduces administration costs and enhances productivity all from a central location. Remote Desktop Professional can scan your remote client??™s for useful information such as Service Pack, Installed Applications etc. Remote Desktop Professional is a tool for network administrators who need access to their servers and desktops without having to be physically near them.
This minimizes the network administration cost and saves a lot of time as well as facilitating the central administration for the networks. While sitting at one location you can troubleshoot remote systems on your network. Remote Desktop Professional also gathers a variety of useful information about remote machines including detailed hardware and software (Service Pack, Installed Applications etc.....) information about different computers on your LAN.
Remote Desktop Professional has a built-in Performance Monitor (Remote Task Manager) very much similar to the one found in NT systems; where you can see all running processes on remote clients
Multiple Service Installation has a built-in a special dialog where you can manage and deploy the Remote Desktop Pro service across your remote client??™s or uninstall in one shot.