Multi operator ASP (Active Server Pages) live chat script tool provides online conversation, discussion among multiple clients, employees with customer support executives. Live ASP chat software also helps to solve the online visitor??™s queries in the fields of business, education, telecom, account, insurance, medical adviser, stock market, web hosting, auto sales, travel, real estate etc. Online multiuser ASP chat software stores all offline chat records when operator is out of service or offline. Help chat application supports all major internet web browsers including internet explorer etc. Multi operator ASP chat script software administrator can block unauthorized visitors from your website. Online multiuser ASP chat utility supports all windows operating system including Vista etc. Online multi operator ASP chat application allows multilingual conversations with clients, employees and customers support executives. Online multiuser ASP chat script software gives detail about site visitors along with their IP address and host name.
* Multi operator live chat script software allows conversation among multiple online visitors and customer care executives.
* Online live chat tool is password protected allows software administrator to block mischief visitors.
* Multiuser ASP chat utility stores offline chat records when operator is not online.
* Live chat utility tracks IP address and host name of each user when logged in chat accounts.
* Utility helps to solve visitor??™s queries in many fields like stock market, insurance etc.
* Online multi operator live chat script software is developed in active server pages and does not require any DLL, java applets or special plugs for installation.