Greeting cards become a thing of fashion today and a lot of designs are available in the market but they are too much expensive, that a normal person can??™t bear their cost according to his choice. So, to get out of this costly cards market, we brings an affordable greeting card making software for you that enables you to design your favorite cards in desired shape, size and color with your beloved quotations and pictures and can be gifted on your friend??™s birthday, wedding anniversary, promotion, happy journey or any special moment in his life. Advance object designing tools like pencil, text, arc, rectangle, ellipse, star and superior color and background settings helps in making eye-catching and spectacular cards that attracts any individual and make him curious to ask you an unbelievable question ???From where you bring it???? Greeting Card Design Software has uncomplicated graphical user interface makes any beginner capable in crafting his desired cards without any professional advice that are cheap and fulfill all your specifications. Product is compatible with latest Windows OS only. So, stop thinking now and download the 30 days trial from our website.
* For the purpose of user satisfaction, utility produce cards in different desired shapes like rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse, circle etc in a simple and efficient way.
* Since the program is developed on the basis of real world atmosphere and deep study on perceptive of novice people, GUI concept is used which is easy to understand and use.
* To make some special moments of your life unforgettable, application allows browsing and editing your favorite pictures in smooth and effortless manner.
* Software enables you to save produced cards in your desired file format and its built-in printing settings make it capable to support any printer model to give high quality printouts.