Easily change remove text from multiple excel cells specifying certain criteria that you want! With this excel text removing/deleting software, you can: * Select a group of cells to apply text modifications to * Remove special text such as whitespace, tabs, new line/carriarge return characters from multiple cells * Characters (upper case/lowercase) * Numbers * Non alphanumeric text (i.e., everything else other than letters and numbers) * All text characters * A custom set of characters, and/or custom phrasePlus, using this software, you can: * Specify 'where' the text should be removed from * I.e., excel whitespace can be removed from the beginning, end of entire cells * Text can be removed from the entire selection of ms cells * You can indicate that you wish to remove 'phrases' before and after custom text phrases * You can specify what location to start removing text from in ms excel cells * Plus, you can even specify what character locations and how many characters to remove!