Technically advanced software for hack facilitates users to efficiently monitor overall internet performed activities by any external users on your personal computer or laptop including opened web sites names, web pages links, internet cookies, temp files, send or composed messages, online chatting through yahoo messenger, face book, Gtalk, MSN messenger, AIM, Myspace, ICQ chat and many others. Advanced key logger application generates reports in html or txt files formats. Highly interactive software for hack facilitates users to run application in hidden or stealth mode and remains invisible from system desktop, add or remove program list, start up menu, installation files and so that user is unaware of program. Advanced key logger utility is password protected and helps admin to avoid any external users to edit software for hack program configuration setting or view recorded log files. Software for hack monitor and record entire typed key stroke activity (such as email ID address, password etc), clip board content (like copy paste items, deleted files, renamed folders, modification done by external user), system information, sound clips and many others.
* Software for hack is easy and simple to use and record overall personal computer activities done by any guest user.
* Specialized software for hack facilitates users to save recorded log files at specified location in computer system for further reference.
* Expertise software for hack offer attractive option to quickly deliver tracked log files details at user specified email address using FTP server setting.
* GUI interface facilitates users to easily work on utility without having expert training or professional guidance for executing advanced key logger software.
* Software for hack starts recording guest user performed activity as soon as windows start.