Web Chat utility helps to communicate with website visitors to provide better online support in real time manner. Reliable web chat software provides excellent chat facility with customers to increase sales of company products and services. Live chat utility provides valuable information to visitors within seconds to solve their queries. Web chat tool is most useful in industries that support E-commerce and e-services such as web hosting, real estate, financial businesses, web design, universities, auto sales, education, insurance etc to improve customer satisfaction by providing right information to increase organization revenues. Utility provides facility to add more operators to interact with multiple website visitors simultaneously. Email chat transcript features of live chat software provide facility to send chat link at visitors email address for future reference. Operators can communicate each other and transfer chat sessions for better assist. Web chat utility is incorporated with canned response facility to send predefined messages of common queries. Operators can block IP address of any visitors to prevent chat session by mischief users. Live chat utility is fully web based application which provides facility to store chat history of all visitors and other visiting details for future use.
* Provides online chat with website visitors to offers full details about company products and solve customer queries immediately.
* Facilitates superior customer support to interact with many users at the same time and track details of real time customers.
* Offers facility to transfer ongoing chat process to another operator with full details of earlier chat to increase customer satisfaction.
* Users can install and run live chat utility in simple and efficient manner without requiring any extra hardware and software.