Crack Killer is a database application that enables software authors to track and report web sites hosting cracks, serials and pirated versions of their software.
Crack Killer makes use of a solid database engine that keeps track of active and inactive pirate software sites. Software vendors can use this software to track sites that contain links to pirated versions of their software. After entering the sites and e-mail contacts for these sites, they can send a tailored complaint notice. DMCA complaint notices can also be sent. When a site has been shut down it can be flagged as such. Periodically the vendor can check these killed sites to see if they have become active again and then repeat the process.
Crack Killer has several useful features. HTML pages of pirate software links can be quickly imported into the software. Filters can be set to show only a desired subset of pirate sites. An IP address check function helps to identify previously killed sites that have been reactivated by relocating to another web host. Crack Killer has support for multiple companies.
Crack Killer is given free to the trialware community by the Trialware Professional Association.