Aostsoft JPG JPEG to PDF Converter is effectual and user friendly program to convert JPG JPEG format images to professional PDF files with accurately retaining the layout of the original document file. It is standalone software, without the need of Adobe Acrobat etc software. User-friendly interface, very easy to use, just a few clicks can finish the conversion.
Key Features:
Designed with user-friendly interface to convert JPG, JPEG to PDF with quick action.
Batch convert JPG JPEG document to PDF files.
You could finish the whole process with only a few clicks.
Supports to choose the entire folder and sub-folder to convert.
Supports to add files, folders by dragging and dropping.
Supports to merge multiple JPG JPEG images to one multi-page PDF without losing original style etc.
Supports to set the PDF password for protection by user password, owner password.
Supports to set PDF document security like permit to print,permit to copy,permit to fill out form,content modification etc.
Supports saving output files in the same folder as source files.