It is very crucial for you as a manager to keep yourself in the loop of every single activity performed on computer screen by your employees. And, to attain this mission the best selection you could go for is system monitoring tool. With monitoring tool like Employee Desktop Live Viewer you would be able to perform task of employee monitoring and identify exactly what's going on in official working hours effectively. Perhaps, this is one such useful software that provides you with real-time monitoring scenario and so can be very effective in decreasing the likelihood of any security breaches.
Perhaps, what??™s makes it more special is its ability that facilitate the user to perform different administrative tasks remotely on target computers that are being monitored like - shutting down, re-booting, locking or logging off of the computer system. Another great feature of this software is its ability of providing the live screenshots of multi network computers that allows you record billable hours and further execute required amendments in the workflow for a better productivity. Apart from this, the tool comes with attractive graphical user interface that makes it a very easy to user software. Also, the product is very much compatible with Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, and all previous versions. To know more about this software, For more information visit: