If looking to combine your multiple Adobe pdf documents into a single pdf file, try pdf split merge software, adds two or more pdf files. In other hand, if you would like to split pdf into multiple parts, consider pdf split option available in tool. Pdf splitter merger software is Windows 8 compatible utility, supports all latest version of Adobe pdf files. In addition to this, tool also fulfills the need of pdf page extraction. Tool extracts out pages from bulk pdf file and create new output pdf file. Adobe pdf split merge software is complete pdf page management tool, also capable in removal of pages from selected pdf file. If pdf document is secured with owner password or protected with open password security, tool prompts to type password first for process completion. Pdf merger option supports combining of image files together with pdf document. Supported image formats include JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF & GIF. In fact, tool supports multipage tiff files for combining together with pdf. Trial version shows watermark on file pages, compatible with Windows XP, Vista & 7 operating system.