Typification, spectral types, SEGY. the colour image of a wave field. The purpose - to see the details imperceptible in amplitudes, to allocate objects which in amplitudes are not shown. Identification of objects and allocation of borders. In the spectral image Borders of blocks are practically vertical, they are clearly visible.
Lithology partition. Conformity of a spectrum and lithology is rather mediated. It is impossible co-ordinate colour to concrete lithology. But within one complex, it is possible to assume, that colour characterises lithology. Certainly, the data should be shot by one technique and is processed on one count.
Allocation of hydrocarbons. The same principles as at lithology partition. If on the studied area there is a binding (a hole with a product), it is possible to use colour of a spectrum as an additional sign of presence of hydrocarbons. Certainly, in similar geological conditions. Hardly probable it is possible a binding on an interval of the Jurassic period without reservations to consider as a positive sign in the Cretaceous complex.