Looking for a solution to clean your pdf files by removing all the blank pages, AxpertSoft Pdf Blank Page Remover is great choice. Tool helps in detecting and removing all the blank pages in a pdf file automatically. Pdf cleaner tool is Windows compatible and easy to use utility. This is standalone and graphical user interface based program, extracts out blank pages quickly from bulk pdf files. Any pdf page remover software can remove the blank pages from pdf file but you need to specify all the pages in program manually. Our Pdf page remover software has capability to find out all the blank pages automatically. Tool requires few mouse clicks only to detect the pages. As a first step, import all your suspected pdf files into software interface list, choose page workspace area to analyze and the last and final step is to start scanning pdf pages. AxpertSoft Pdf Page Remover avoids manual processing and works in unattended mode easily. Apart from this, user can use this awesome application for deleting custom defined pages. Free download the trial version to evaluate the performance of product. Trial stamps watermark on each pages of output pdf file.