Card and Label Designing Software has two main options: first one is By Using Wizard and second one is By Using Blank Format. There is not too much difference in between both options. In the wizard format have four to five formats of card like half fold flip card, quarter fold and post card but the blank format has not too many options to choose and design according to you. Card styling software has features to design shapes of cards such as pointer, line, ellipse, pencil, rectangular, circle, star, triangle and images from library as well as your system. All these features have their properties to change and set according to need and properties contains for the text as font type, size , colour and positions to write text and also gives the some formats to insert date and time . We can insert text in the form of date for the batch processing designing of the cards and labels with same data set .You can change background with images and any other feature it will gives wonderful look to your card. It is beneficial for designing the identification card in batch with using same format for students and employee. This is used for design your greeting cards of any festivals or any occasion related picture and manage your data as you want and you can add improved functionality to your card. You can modify your card design and texts are very perfectively and also change background colour and texture with in a minimal time and effect. Software can export and save created anniversary Invitation cards in PDF format as well as many image formats such as jpej, tiff, Bitmap, png, and gif for future changes. User can upload various photos from the image library and adjust their height and width. We can add barcode in our cards to keep confidential information safe. Software gives all types of features to design a very attractive and unique design cards including email feature to send designed cards to particular email address.