Split and merge PDF document software build up with several opportunities like split into pages, split into page range, make single PDF, make individual PDFs, extract pages, extract pages and make single PDF, delete pages and make single PDF, delete pages make individual PDFs. You can work with several conditions time of performing fixed page range, specific pages, odd/even pages and bookmarking. User can add such extra word as a suffix and prefix with resultant file name. You can extract required PDF pages from file also delete useless pages.
* Application support several options like split, merge, delete, extract, combine, compare, join, divide, resize and more.
* You can split PDF pages and make create PDF file.
* You can delete useless and unrequited PDF pages.
* You can extract required pages into different manner like page range, specific pages.
* You can split, merge, delete PDF pages basis of odd/even pages.
* You can set bookmarking.
* You can work with both 32 and 64 bit operating system.
* You can work with all Window operating system like Vista, XP, NT, 2000 and Win 7.