xDLS (eXtensible Distance Learning System)
Welcome to eXtensible Distance Learning System, a Web-based Learning Management System developed by xDLSoft, Inc. xDLS can be used to create entire quizzes online. xDLS software resides on a server, allowing you and your students to access it via a Web browser, such as Internet Explorer. It also allows you to make changes to your quizzes readily - from any Web-accessible location - and to make these changes available to your students immediately.
You can use xDLS to
-evaluate students with quizzes
-provide assessments that include text, html, image, flash
-integrate Web resources
xDLS offers:
-Easy to use Web-based test authoring and administration tools included. No hidden costs or additional modules needed
-Question banking organized by learning objective
-Interactive delivery on Intranets, the Internet
-Online viewing of results, reports and item analysis
-Export and Import assessments in IMS QTI format
-Storage of answers, scores, and results in MySQL databases