VTA is a system that enables VoIP Telephony operator to see a current state of calls, both - successful and failed. Information about traffic is generated in off-line mode. That means balance is calculated after a call termination. If any of the conditions are broken, then a system reacts according to the specified settings. If a balance of an operator-partner is lower than the allowed limit, VTA blocks access from operator-partner's IP address. For the calculations VTA is using information about call based on data that is received from VoIP gateway:
On call duration and call direction (incoming or outgoing)
Time and date of call
IP address of a gateway
You need to have VTA if:
You want to know the balance at any time
You work with operator who might "forget" to make a payment for an existing dept
You want to manage your resources with ease and precision
You need to have a clear picture of your finances
You favor systematic approach in running your business