Auto-Error adds powerful VB error handling solution with reports to your applications. Using Auto Error you'll know exactly what procedure and what line has bug in it. Users of your programs will be able to send you detailed error reports via email.
Automotive and powersports data that includes all features, options, warranties, specifications, general details, available colors, dimensions, weights, angles, capacities for all vehicles from 1981 to present year. The library also includes media.
AutorunMagick Studio is a powerful development tool to create dynamical and interactive autorun CD / DVD applications.
AutoUpdate+ is an application that easily allows you to add updating and upgrading capabilities to your software. It is the easiest and most flexible autoupdate product on the market.
Latest Version ==========>>> Client Computer
AVDP is a bundle of three products: AVSD, ANSD and AVUSBD.
A tool for translating Flash MX SWF files into foreign languages. Supports Western European, Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and Middle East languages (Arabic, Hebrew). Unicode-based.
AVSD is appointed for emulation of one, two or more (up to
200) serial streams. Hardware devices are not necessary. This product is
based on Windows XP DDK and doesn't require using devices of other
With AVSD OEM you can:
-Create your_protocol-to-serial abstraction.
-Create virtual platform and emulator plugins.
-Create usb2serial bluetooth2serial IrDa2serial adapters
There is a number of the equipment controlled through a serial port from a PC or a terminal.
Now with AVUSBD you can:
-Create virtual USB devices at your PC
-Redirect all USB stream to remote computer
Balmsoft Wizard allows easily create your own wizards that conforms with "Wizard 97 specification". Just few clicks and all pages with all default controls with right size and fonts in place.
Balmsoft Wizard for .NET allows easily create your own wizards that conforms with "Wizard 97 specification". Just few clicks and all pages with all default controls with right size and fonts in place.
BarcodeNET is total solution for printing barcode in .NET Platform. Full managed code, provide VB.NET and C# developer a rapid barcode developing environment.
A new type of test tool that records what you see on your PC screen. Records video, sound, keystrokes and mouse activity on the target PC, making it into a movie that's easy to view and distribute. Improve communications and catch elusive problems.
MFC extension library that allows creation of the most advanced, powerfull user interface similar to Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visual Studio. It includes more than 100 thoroughly designed, tested and fully documented MFC extension classes.
Windows based 32bit disassembler that supports XBE (X-Box), ELF and PE formats
A database performance and scalability testing tool for Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 UDB, Sybase ASE, and MySQL. Generates database test loads, stress tests the database, measures scalability/performance and compares performance test results.
What Is Best Chat Script? The Best Chat Script Rooms - Best Chat Script is a browser based Virtual World where users can design their own avatar character, create their own private rooms, explore the virtual world by moving their characters around.
Makes task to task communication between VB programs simple via variables that are located in shared memory. A VB program can use any number of beWise Variables simultaneously, limited only by the version of the Edelwise product you have.
This product goes beyond simple VB inter-task communication. It allows huge amounts of data being interchanged between VB applications in near real-time. A VB sample program shipped with the product demonstrates these features.
Client/Server components for secure private file transfer and remote management. Sample applications are included in Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic .NET, Visual C++ .NET, and Delphi 7.