CDPoker is a superb online poker room that has quickly become popular among poker players from all around the world. Established in 2004, CDPoker has already built a solid reputation of being a quality online poker room. The professional poker room of CDPoker is a famous poker room that is visited and enjoyed by many players worldwide. You will find all variants of the popular games such as Texas Holdem, Omaha and Omaha Hi Lo. Besides all the high quality poker games, CDPoker hosts several thrilling tournaments, where players can win large amounts of money in a short amount of time and many enjoyable games with great graphics and accessible interface. If you are a new player, once you register you will receive a Bonus Offer of 50% Welcome Bonus up to $200! CDPoker offers poker players a high quality poker experience that captures the feeling of a genuine poker game with top-notch games and thrilling tournaments! Players from all over the world gather at CDPoker to play their great poker games.